Envelopes Outline Envelopes Outline Outline


The Envelopes module is a pair of exponential Attack-Decay envelopes that are used to modulate parameters.

When a trigger is received, the envelope generator gradually rises from 0V to +10V over the course of the Attack phase. When this is complete, the level falls back to 0V in the Decay phase, then idles.

Unlike other envelope generators, this module is unique in that the generator does not restart while in the Attack phase. Triggers are only processed while the generator is in the Decay or Idle phases. This creates additional poly-rhythmic effects: by carefully tuning the Attack time, close-together triggers are ignored.


  • HOLD Button

    Holds both envelopes at their maximum value, for tuning modulation amounts.

  • TRIG Button

    Triggers both envelopes.

  • ATTACK Knobs

    Sets the amount of time the envelope takes to rise from 0V to +10V, with a range of 1ms to 10s. this knob spans four decades; hold the CTRL key for fine adjustments.

  • DECAY Knobs

    Sets the amount of time the envelope takes to from from +10 to +0V, with a range of 1ms to 10s. This knob spans four decades; hold the CTRL key for fine adjustments.


  • TRIGGER Inputs

    Triggers each envelope generator.

    TRIGGER INPUT: 0V to +10V (rising edge)

    Note: Each envelope generator cannot be re-triggered in the Attack phase.

  • ENV Outputs

    The out of each envelope generator.

    CV OUTPUT: 0V to +10V

Signal Flow Diagram

Envelopes Diagram Envelopes Diagram